Garofalo Cigars

He’s not a cigar maker with a history of a Cuban family that has been growing and cultivating tobacco for generations. He does not wear a fancy hat, or ride a horse or wear a Guevara shirt like all the cliche ads in the cigar magazines. He is David Garofalo, an Italian American that was born and brought up in inner-city Boston, a man who has spent over 30 years as a cigar retailer and is obsessed with cigars.

Not since Zino Davidoff has there been a cigar named after a cigar retailer and David Garofalo does it now with sincere humility. As he says, “I have spent more than half my life in the cigar business, and I am going to give launching my own cigar a try.”

Garofalo Cigars are handmade in Esteli Nicaragua at the Perdomo factory, using a proprietary blend of Nicaraguan fillers from the Jalapa Valley for its natural sweetness and from Esteli for its strength and character, later aged for four full years. The wrapper is from Ecuador, using seed from USA Connecticut, grown to a beautiful golden color.

The finished cigar has been sitting in aging rooms for a minimum of six full months to marry the blend until it has reached optimum flavor. The flavor is rich and rewarding while elegant and refined.

Cigar Details


Each Wrapper Shade Available In All 4 Sizes

Churchill - 7 x 50

Robusto - 5 x 50

Toro - 6 x 52

Torpedo - 5 x 54

What The Critics Have To Say

Rated 92. Starts with heavy molasses with notes of fig and nuttiness, leading to spicy sweet and an earthy, nutty finish.

Cigar & Spirits - Fall 2015

I rarely smoke Connecticut shade cigars. While there are few exceptions, the flavors profile just does not suit me. Well, the Garofalo by United Cigar is another cigar to add to my exceptions list. Everything about this cigar works for me. Solid performance, flavors, and a complex profile. For a price under $7, this is an easy buy in my opinion.

Casa Fumando

The Garofalo is a cigar that starts with a little bit of a kick and then develops into a complex cigar with an enjoyable flavor profile. The finish is short, and the desire to smoke another one is long which makes it a winner in my book.

The Cigar Authority

Garofalo reportedly spent two years and hundreds of test blends to finalize this cigar. If his objective was to create an interesting cigar that packs considerable flavor, I’d say he did a job well done with this five-tobacco blend. And the price point is commendable. In my book, the Garofalo Robusto earns a solid rating.

Stogie Guys Online

If you would have asked me my opinion on this cigar before I smoked it, I never would have guessed I’d be so positive. This might be the best thing I’ve smoked from Perdomo in years.

Cigar Federation

I am on record as not being the biggest fan of Connecticut wrapper leaf. In fact, there are precious few blends that I frequently reach for which carry it. I will, however, confess that the Garofalo has made the short list for me. The construction was spot-on, the interplay of nutty and sweet flavors quite pleasant.

Half Ashed